Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Hip-hop has allowed youth to create and shape their identity through discourse. Through the language and images used in their videos and songs, rappers influence everything about youth. Because language and discourse are such a large part of our everyday lives, how we choose to speak to others can affect what sub-culture or group we are associated with. Most commonly, rappers speak with slang and cut down words and syllables to form their own language. This language helps create and shape youth’s identities because if they choose to speak a certain way than they most also dress and act that way to fit into the social norms of that particular group. While many women and men are depicted as gangsters and thugs sporting guns and driving nice cars it gives youth the impression that for them to live that sort of lifestyle they too must live like that. This influences their purchases, how they approach and talk to others and thus shapes their identity.
Hip hop music has an enormous influence on the youth of today. Whether it be in the clothes they wear, the way they talk, or how they view other races and genders it's affects are profound. I am not trying to say whether rap music is a good or a bad thing but merely pointing out it's importance in today's youth culture so we can examine the trends and make our own decisions. Whether we like it or not, hip hop has changed society and it will continue to do so.

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